
I am a developer based in Brooklyn, NY, with a particular passion for projects that deal with environmental conservation and social justice. I have worked to develop research and data collection tools for a number of local non-profit organizations, and currently work for a communications startup company.

I am available for freelance work - see the Contact section below.

Selected Projects  


Concept, development

Stripe/AgileCRM Handler

Concept, development, design

Birding by Subway

Concept, development, design

Is the JMZ Running?

Concept, development, design

AC Controller

Concept, development


Assistant developer

Open-source Project Work  



Please feel free to reach out to me at darren.a.klein@gmail.com


Citizen science

Client: New York City Audubon Society

Video demo

Every year, millions of birds are killed by colliding with buildings - this is a major conservation issue that NYC Audubon is working to address. D-Bird is a fully-responsive mobile and desktop web app created for NYC Audubon to complement their research and advocacy efforts by crowdsourcing georeferenced bird mortality data from citizen scientists.

D-Bird is built in a LAMP stack and includes an administrator portal with data summary and export functions.

Design by Patrick Harry - patrickharry.com

Stripe/AgileCRM Handler

Customer management

Client: Circles

Video demo

Circles manages their customer base using AgileCRM, but payments are handled by Stripe.

This app serves as an interface between the two services, working with their APIs to first create a customer object in Stripe and then add that customer info to their AgileCRM profile.

The Stripe/AgileCRM Handler is built on an Express server in the NodeJS framework.

Is the JMZ Running?

Public transit status updates

Client: Independent

Live demo

Inspired by the beloved Is the L Train Running?, Is the JMZ Running? aims to provide a similar service to the people living in the rapidly developing areas along the eponymous train lines.

Truth be told, I wanted to build a Python Flask application and experiment with the MTA API, and this was the idea I came up with.

AC Controller

Thermostat for analog AC unit

Client: Clover

Video demo

To help my rabbit Clover stay cool in the sweltering NYC summer, I picked up a Raspberry Pi and some other hardware and built a thermostat for turning my old analog AC unit on and off.

Clover's happy, and I get to save energy by running the AC only when he'll ned it.


Balanced news aggregator

Client: Independent

Video demo

In an era of increasingly personalized media, FullStory provides users with a balanced perspective on the day's news, presenting top stories from well-known left-leaning, centrist, and right-leaning sources.

FullStory was conceived and designed by Thorsten Schröder, the project lead, and is built on an Express server in the NodeJS framework.

Birding by Subway

Custom Google Map

Client: New York City Audubon Society

Video demo

New York City has some of the best birding locations in the United States, and one of the best public transit systems! Birding by Subway provides an overview of the City's top birding spots and allows users to quickly get public transit (or other) directions.

Birding by Subway is built in a LAMP stack with the Google Map API.